Monthly Archives: July 2014

I’m retired! Now what?

Since I retired mid June, I’ve visited my children in faraway places. I went to my first major league soccer game in Philadelphia, took my first trip through IKEA, saw the Fourth of July fireworks in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and enjoyed the stares, as my son walked around his new Philadelphia neighborhood wearing his clerical collar. I climbed a small mountain in a redwood forest in Oregon, drove up the Pacific Coast Highway, where the mountains meet the ocean, sipped my way through Willamette Valley wineries with views that would make Napa jealous, and dwelt among my daughter’s 5 roommates.

That’s all I wanted to do, really. So, now what?

It’s almost  time for the school year to start and my phone should be ringing with questions and dilemmas that need to be ironed out before the first day.

Let me make myself perfectly clear. I am not complaining. I just haven’t figured out what to do with myself yet.

I am taking a highly unscientific poll. Please use the comment section below as a suggestion box. The only rule is that it can’t be a high dollar event. If I had high dollars, I would already be doing those things. Let’s see what I get. Be as creative as you’d like.  Just what would you do if you suddenly had nowhere to be?