My Redemption

By | October 7, 2013

Those wild and crazy theologians!! Let the bachelor party commence!!!

My Redemption

On the front of the birthday card, there were three nuns, crosses dangled on their chests; faces peeked through the severe mixture of black and white coverage. They prayed fervently, without ceasing.

Oh, I am already excited!!

On the inside, the message read:


Hope your birthday was so much fun that it still takes a team working around the clock to pray for your redemption.

Happy Birthday!!! I hope it was a blast.

Love You,


The great thing about this is that my son is at Virginia Theological Seminary to be an Episcopal priest. So, I would say that’s one heck of a perk when it comes to praying for my redemption. Lord knows, I need it.

To make my redemption even sweeter, he is marrying an Episcopal priest and yes, she is a female. I learned that I needed to throw that out there when people heard me say that he was marring an Episcopal priest.  At first, it didn’t occur to me that there was  anything strange about it and then I saw how many raised eyebrows or just how many incredibly awkward stares I had. I learned there was a  need for clarification. Not because I care.   Heck, I wouldn’t care who he married, as long as he’s happy. Looks like he was just born that way. But it just catches people off guard. First a priest getting married and then to a female priest. So many misunderstandings, so little time.

The birthday card from my future daughter in law had a bunch of face creams and treatments…Eliminates Sagging, Eliminates Wrinkles, Eliminates Fine Lines, Puffiness, Aging, the usual. Then in the inside, there’s a picture of a Martini and the sign over that says, “Eliminates Caring”.


I am looking forward to the rest of my life! Wedding week….game on!!!



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