Women, Dudes and Weddings

By | October 6, 2013

Wedding Women, Hear Us Roar

I don’t know about you, but when my first child, a son named Daniel, was born, I was filled with a sense of woman-ness, for lack of a better term. And by that I mean that I could NOT believe that women all over the planet since the beginning of human time, had experienced this amazing, overwhelming physical accomplishment that was wrapped up in the most deeply profound feelings I would ever know.  Immediately the world looked different and women were now Goddesses all wrapped up in motherhood.

And now this guy is getting married and I am again reminded of how many weddings, in all cultures around the world, occur on a regular basis. I am back in awe of the woman-ness of that. And I am only the mother of the groom.


Daniel and Lara, just before the actual proposal in Alexandria, Virginia.

I mean, let’s face it. Weddings don’t happen because men are consumed with the intricacies of the color palate or the seating chart and who gets along with whom, etc. etc. Well, at least not Dude men. And Dude men are my point of reference for this particular conversation. My non-Dude men are a different conversation and I am blessed to have a bunch of them involved. Being a Dude is a wonderful thing. It really must be. So, if you are one, please don’t take this disparagingly. I am trying to help you understand and forewarn.

So, while all of the women are running around, stressed to the maximum level, making this happen and bossing around the Dudes in our bitchiest voices ever. Here are ten words of advice. WE DON’T CARE IF WE DON’T MAKE SENSE TO YOU!!! If you try to throw your “Dude Rationale” in earshot and make things simple, when we have made it all complicated, you may get a stiletto through your eardrum.

Truth is, at least for me, as I don’t speak for all women. I am envious of your willingness to throw out a keg, some pepperoni slices and cheese blocks and call it an amazing event. In our wildest dreams and fantasies, that would be acceptable. But I have to live in the real world and nachos and cheese sauce just don’t work, but we love you for it.

Weddings and funerals can just bring out the primitive in all of us.


So Daniel, please pick up the keg for the rehearsal dinner.  I love you. –Mom.

5 thoughts on “Women, Dudes and Weddings

  1. Johnnie Sexton

    As a “non-Dude” friend, I concur with all of your comments here…..best of luck with the wedding week!!!!

    And Daniel, for God’s sake, do not forget to pick up that keg!!!

  2. Vicki Fritz

    Have a wonderful wedding week! Enjoy every second…and when it is over, rush right out and buy “Walking on Eggshells” by Jane Isay! Read it while they are on the honeymoon! :-)

  3. Anne

    Ha Ha! Have to laugh at the “throw out a keg, some pepperoni slices and cheese blocks.” An ideal party for some, and being married to a Dude I have heard that frequently :) . Just let me know what I can do.


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